One of the reasons Book Dash exists.
We're in the appropriately sunny Sunflower Library at Zonnebloem Primary on the edge of District Six in Cape Town, and it's exactly like stepping through the back of the wardrobe, except that this very South African Narnia is a completely happy place.
For me, taking part in a Book Dash day -- when groups of creative professionals get together to create free, open-access online and print books for children all around the world -- is worth a truckload of therapy and happy pills. The mission is simple: to put good books with local content into the hands of tens of thousands of small children, with the goal of every child owning a hundred books by the age of five. Does that sound impossible? Not if the Dashers have anything to do with it. Not only are the print books free, but you can download them onto a phone or tablet, translate them, print them and distribute them anywhere in the world.
How does it work? The rest of this blog will rely on pictures to convey the energy and yes, the magic.
Julia welcomes the teams: each consists of a writer, illustrator and designer. With the help of an editor and amazing logistical support, they create an entire book in one day.
It takes four generous and creative souls to make a good children's book. Here's Team Five putting together The Dream Pillow.
Make no mistake, this is serious work. Here's Team Eight, creating The Fish Who Couldn't Swim.
Everyone cares about what they're doing. Matthew and Ingrid ponder Grandpa Farouk's Garden.
"Quick! Catch that idea before it escapes!" Team Six pinning down You! Yes, you!
Writing runs on coffee. Harry doing a great job of keeping us fueled.
Something the support team always gets right: very superior snacks for all.
There's a lot of laughter: Mazi and Clyde joke around, and that's Alex chuckling in the background too.
It helps when the support team keeps smilling: here's Neo live-tweeting the event.
When you score one of the country's best children's book illustrators for a story you've wanted to write for EIGHTEEN YEARS. Alex Latimer busy drawing scenes that existed only in my head yesterday.
And the brilliant Jennifer Jacobs neatly and efficiently turning ideas and images into a Real Live Book. Meet Toast, everyone!